Keto diet — the delicious way to the ideal figure

All of us, especially women, want to achieve a flawless figure and proud to wear revealing clothes. And most of us is this seemingly logical plan of action: eat less — if not to starve, to eliminate fat to do sports. The problem is that long withstand such a regime is impossible, and after the completely predictable failure of the dropped pounds come back plus. The exit from this vicious circle is, although he, too, will require discipline and patience, but the result will be persistent, m'yazova mass is not lost, and skin condition will improve.

The natural oils form the basis of the keto diet

What is keto diet

Strange, but the keto diet was originally intended not for weight loss, and to improve the condition of children suffering from epileptic seizures. In 1921, an endocrinologist rolling of Vodit first noticed that in the conditions of low-carb high nutrition, the liver produces ketone bodies; in the same year therapist Russell Wilder calling this diet keto diet and becoming to use it for the treatment of epilepsy in cases, when the medications don't yield results. Soon, the medical staff noticed that patients have become slimmer and lighter — so the keto diet has got a new direction. Most currently known low carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins diet, paleo diet, etc., are later variations of the keto diet. How does it work?

For most people the idea of eating fats to reduce weight seems paradoxical. To imagine the mechanism of keto-diets, remember how the human metabolism. Carbohydrates are the primary and most affordable source of energy. With limited proceeds of carbohydrates the body is no longer able to obtain energy through the breakdown to sugar and forced to use alternative sources of energy, i.e. fats, which are metabolized in the liver to form ketone bodies — a state called ketosis. According to many nutritionists, keto diet is not only an effective tool in the struggle for a slender figure, but also can significantly improve the condition of patients with such diagnoses as cancer, Alzheimer's, autism, schizophrenia and depression.

The effectiveness of the keto diet

Subject to all the rules of keto diet gives excellent results. The number of lost kilos in a week can vary from 0, 5 to 2.5, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Its effectiveness has convinced many girls that are not able to lose weight with other diets; keto-diet is also very popular among men and women involved in bodybuilding because they do not lead to loss of muscle mass.

The optimum content of protein in keto diet helps to preserve muscle mass

The pros and cons of keto diets

To proven — scientifically and practically — of the advantages of this diet include:

  1. Proven. A state of ketosis promotes more rapid loss of body fat mass compared with the other diets, for example, nishiiwai.
  2. The lack of hunger that you can eat foods from the allowed list.
  3. In a keto diet there is no strict sequence of dishes you can select and combine products according to your preferences. You only need to adhere to the General formula consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, that is, 75%:20%:5% respectively.
  4. Keto-diet does not lead to loss of muscle mass. You will lose weight at the expense of subcutaneous and visceral fat, and not muscle.
  5. Therapeutic and preventive value in relation to diseases such as cancer, Alheimer's disease, epilepsy, depression. To use a keto-diet in the treatment of these diseases, consult your doctor.
  6. Low glycemic index foods allowed in keto diet, helps to improve the condition of skin prone to acne.

Since the keto diet has a huge impact on the body by altering metabolic pathways of energy production, without the negative sides also have not done:

  1. A large list of contraindications (see end of article).
  2. The diet is not balanced, so you need to pass a medical examination.
  3. In the first 2 weeks your body will occur the metabolic restructuring. Until this process is complete, you may feel fatigue, nausea and difficulty concentrating.
  4. One of the underlying condition effects of ketosis — the smell of acetone breath, which you can encounter on a keto diet.
  5. The shops are very limited selection of low carbohydrate foods, ready to eat, so you have to take food for lunch and snacks with you.
  6. Due to the lack in the diet of cereals, fruits and most vegetables possible problems with the intestines.

Plan keto diet


Table: list of permitted and prohibited foods

Permitted foodsFoods that you must exclude
Butter and vegetable oilLow fat foods
Meat, fish, seafoodSugar in all kinds
EggsCereals, wheat products
NutsFruits, dried fruits
Green vegetables, mushrooms, tomatoes in a small amountPotatoes and other vegetables high in carbohydrates
Berries in a small amountLegumes
Natural dairy products except milkCorn
Her wine of spirits — rum, brandy, whiskey (not more glasses a day)Beer and all alcoholic drinks that contain sugar

Preparation of the diet and nutrition plan

Keto diet is a low carbohydrate diet with high fat intake and moderate amounts of protein. There are several varieties of this diet:

  1. Standard keto diet involves the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the ratio of 75%:20%:5%.
  2. Cyclic keto diet is based on the scheme "5 days of food according to the rules of keto-diet — 2 days high carbohydrate food or carbohydrate loading".
  3. Targeted keto diet includes additional carbohydrate intake before and after exercise.
  4. Protein keto diet similar to the standard, but with a greater proportion of protein in the diet: the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is 60%:35%:5%.

Be aware that only on the basis of standard and protein diet to lie of a larger clinical study. Cyclic and targeted keto diet is actively practiced by bodybuilders enthusiasts, but their safety has not been confirmed clinically, so we will only consider the standard version of the keto diet.

To roughly calculate how much you need to consume protein per day, use a simple formula: 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight. That is, if your weight is 80 kg, you should consume 80 grams of protein a day. Then, on the basis of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates get a number of fats and carbohydrates in the day you need to consume — 300 and 20 grams, respectively. However you can increase the consumption of carbohydrates (but not more than 50 grams per day). If after the adaptation period of around 2 weeks — you still feel fatigue and difficulties with concentration, try to slowly increase carbohydrate intake by 5 grams a week. To start the keto diet better slowly, gradually reducing the carbohydrate foods in your diet to make the process of reconstructing the metabolism of the most gentle for your body, and slowly her out. Duration keto diet depends on your health and your physician's recommendations, but to comply with this diet for less than a month doesn't make sense because half of the time will be spent on adaptation.

Two fried eggs with bacon

Sample menu (options for selection)


  1. Two fried eggs with bacon in olive oil.
  2. Omelet with one egg and three proteins with mushrooms, spinach and herbs, topped with feta cheese.
  3. Half avocado, soft-boiled egg, a slice of smoked salmon and 2 roasted tomato.


  1. Turkey, baked in yogurt with mushrooms, cheese and herbs.
  2. A piece of baked meat or chicken with a green salad, dressed with olive oil.
  3. Spinach salad with shrimp grilled (slices of salmon, chicken or beef), cubes of cheese to choose from, sprinkled with nuts and dried cranberries.


  1. Steak grilled salmon with boiled asparagus or broccoli drizzled with butter.
  2. Mediterranean salad with boiled eggs, olives, cucumber, feta cheese with olive oil on the lettuce.


  1. Almond-berry smoothie made with almond milk with a gray or gray ricotta, a handful of your favorite berries and a pinch of vanilla extract.
  2. A handful of nuts to choose from.
  3. Vegetable sticks (cucumber, celery) with guacamole.
  4. Cheese balls of finely grated sharp cheese with natural yoghurt, obalanya in chopped pistachios.

Table: carbohydrate content in some products

ProductServing contains 6 grams of carbohydrates
Avocado1/2 PCs
Walnuts30 g
Pine nuts30 g
Coconut milk3/4 Cup
Coconut (g pulp)1/2 Cup
Migdal30 g (23 nuts)
Cashews22 g
Sunflower seeds1/4 Cup
Pistachios30 g (47 pistachios)
Hazelnuts45 g
Yogurt from whole milk100 ml
Cherry1/2 Cup
Strawberries2/3 Cup
Cranberry1/2 Cup
Raspberry1/2 Cup
Currants1/2 Cup
Blueberries1/3 Cup


Ginger roast beef

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 2 steak boneless, cut from above strips
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Ginger roast beef
  • 1 small onion, diced,
  • 1 crushed garlic clove,
  • 2 small tomatoes, diced,
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 4 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar
  • salt, pepper.
  1. Pour oil in a pan, brown the steaks over medium heat.
  2. When both sides are well browned, add onion, garlic and tomatoes.
  3. Mix in a Cup ginger, salt, pepper and vinegar, add, stirring, to the meat.
  4. Cover, reduce heat and cook until the liquid evaporates.
  5. Serve, sprinkled with herbs.

Nutritional value one serving: 370 calories, 27 g fat, 7 g carbohydrates, 46 grams of protein.

Nutritious Cobb salad

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 100 grams of ham,
  • 4 tomatoes, cut into halves
  • 30 grams blue cheese,
  • 2 boiled eggs,
  • 2 cups of Romaine lettuce,
  • half an avocado, diced,
  • 2 slices bacon,
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil and Apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice and Dijon mustard,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the ham cubes and fry in drizzle with olive oil pan. Eggs cut into slices, cheese cubes. Put all ingredients on lettuce leaves in the form of strips. Mix ingredients of the filling and pour over the salad. Nutritional value one serving: 208 calories, 8 g fat, 3 g carbohydrates, 31 grams protein.

If you have chosen to follow the keto diet

Read the recommendations of doctors, in order to quickly achieve the desired result and to avoid possible side effects.

  1. Undergo a medical examination. This is the first and obligatory point of the program, which should not be ignored. Keto diet is contraindicated for people with certain medical conditions.
  2. Carefully read the list of allowed foods — it should generally fit your food preferences. If you are the world's largest fan of bananas, pasta and potatoes-farm households want to choose a different system of weight loss: giving up all your favorite dishes will be for you very a lot of stress that just will not benefit your health and mood.
  3. Nutritious Cobb salad
  4. Try not to plan for the first two weeks of the diet no important Affairs and labor feats. Remember that at this time your body will adjust and operate in slow motion.
  5. Plan your time so that it was enough for cooking. Most foods allowed on a keto diet requires cooking, especially if you want to add some fun to your menu.
  6. Do not forget to include in your diet are green vegetables: spinach, cucumbers, celery. They contain few carbohydrates, but it is a source of fiber, which will ensure the normal operation of the intestine.
  7. Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day to eliminate possible odor of acetone and improve the functioning of the kidneys.
  8. Include in your diet quality coconut oil cold pressed: it is the best source of triglycerides of medium length, which are easily converted into ketones.
  9. Don't be afraid to salt your food if you want it: salt helps restore electrolyte balance which is disturbed on the keto diet.
  10. Be sure to take vitamin-mineral complex. Keto-diet is unbalanced and can not provide your body with all necessary nutrients.
  11. If you are active in sports with high aerobic load, keep in mind that your training capacity may be reduced, as in keto diet the glycogen stores in the muscles decrease.